, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

Vietnam 2023. Sunday market

Each Sunday morning a market takes place in Muong Hum.  We spent 3 hours there and I was fascinated by the tribal people and the transactions taking place. It’s off the tourist trail, so there are no vendors touting souvenirs at visitors and it was very interesting to stand back, observe, and photograph the authenticity of it all.  I think that everything the locals need can be found here and although I received a few interested glances, nearly everybody just went about their own business and didn’t bat an eyelid at a white woman with very blonde hair photographing them.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

These chickens have no idea that they are destined for the pot, but they’ve undoubtedly led better lives than 99% of the chickens in the UK and will be much fresher when consumed than the plastic wrapped ones found in supermarkets here.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

Above and below – there’s a large central area dedicated to cooking and serving meals.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

Chillis are a staple ingredient in meals.  I can’t cope with their heat, but they look great in a photograph!

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

I was fascinated at the ladies clothing and was aware of the dichotomy of traditional dress that hasn’t changed in possibly hundreds of years, with a matching modern day motorbike helmet.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

I was particularly struck by how some of the young girls were dressed up to go to market.  I’m sure they don’t dress like this every day.  The boys wear more Westernised clothes, but topped off with a great traditional hat.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

The market isn’t just for buying items, it’s the place for a good natter too.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

Opposite ends of life, and both just as photogenic.

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market

, Vietnam 2023.  Sunday market



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