, Cornwall August 2023

Cornwall August 2023

After the warmest June on record we had an exceptionally wet July which seemed to go on and on during August.  Last week however I had a lucky break during a trip to Cornwall, and whilst there were a few overcast and cloudy days, for the most part it was lovely with only a few showers.  Here are my photos.

First stop on the way down was Port Isaac, where Doc Martin was filmed.

, Cornwall August 2023

I take our patchwork of fields for granted but I do love the English countryside.

, Cornwall August 2023

There’s a first time for everything, and visiting St. Michael’s Mount was just that, despite it being one of the main attractions in England. At low tide visitors can walk across a causeway, but when it’s covered in water, little boats scurry to and from the island.

, Cornwall August 2023

I didn’t realise that there were other buildings on the mount besides the castle, but I liked this terrace of houses.

, Cornwall August 2023

In St. Ives I visited the famous Tate Art Gallery, and there wasn’t a single piece of art there that I liked and certainly nothing that I’d hang on my wall !  I did however like the view of the beach and the sea through the huge glass windows, so I tried my motion blur technique to produce my own piece of art that probably nobody else would hang on their wall either!  However, I take photos for my own enjoyment and it doesn’t matter if I’m the only one who likes the results.  Sometimes though I do look back at them and wonder what on earth I was thinking 🙂

, Cornwall August 2023

I used the same technique after exiting the gallery.

, Cornwall August 2023

And again in the little village of Mousehole.

, Cornwall August 2023

, Cornwall August 2023

Driving in Cornwall can be tricky to say the least!  My Sat Nav kept ‘avoiding traffic delays’ but took me down numerous extremely narrow roads.  At one point I drove under a bridge that was literally only just wider than my car.  Tractors coming the other way on these roads are not fun. 🙁

, Cornwall August 2023

, Cornwall August 2023

Cornwall has a tin mining history and UNESCO has designated the mining landscape in Cornwall as a World Heritage Site.  Remains of the buildings can be seen in many places.   In St. Agnes, the coast path is covered in heather.

, Cornwall August 2023

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