Whilst here, the volunteers have the option to go on various trips at weekends. A couple of weekends ago I was on the rota to go to St. Lucia with them in order to be their contact person and organiser whilst there. I have been there just once before, (last November, whilst I was a volunteer myself,) so apparently that qualifies me to know the ropes!
So, armed with my packet of details we left Thanda on Friday lunchtime. I should explain that the St. Lucia we were headed for was just 1.5 hours drive away – not in the Carribean! It is on the coast though, and has a beautiful beach. As we drove into St. Lucia I had to point out the various shops, bars & cafés and then check everyone into their rooms where we were staying. I felt like a tour operator!
We all ate out together on Friday night – there were 13 of us and it was a really lovely evening. One of the great things about volunteering is that you meet people of all ages from all over the world, and it’s fascinating to learn about our differences. Eating out in St. Lucia is really cheap – a good dinner including a glass of wine cost under £5.00 🙂
On Sunday I joined a few others for a Hippo & Croc tour, and saw plenty of both:) Afterwards we walked to the beach about 35 minutes away and although it was really windy it’s beautiful there.
All in all, a lovely weekend 🙂

I know what I'm doing – I think!
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