So many times in my life I’ve met or read about people who either live somewhere amazing, have a job that takes them amazing places, or simply have the means and the time to go somewhere amazing. Now of course, it may be a case of ‘the grass is always greener’ but I’ve always been envious. So, when the opportunity arose for me to work ‘somewhere amazing’ I grabbed it.
I may as well start this blog by copying my Facebook post announcing my new job which is definitely somewhere amazing 🙂 79 of my friends liked my post, and dozens more showed their support with fabulous comments. From my initial doubts that I was doing the right thing in abandoning my family for three months I’m now sure that it’s absolutely the right decision and am very excited. Most of you have read my FB post, but here it is for those of you who haven’t.
Out of the blue this week I was offered a job for 3 months as wildlife photography and conservation coordinator at the wonderful private game reserve ‘Thanda’ in South Africa. (where I volunteered last November/December) So, after a few sleepless nights and discussions with the family I have accepted! The handful of friends who I have spoken to about this have said things like “it’s a no brainer”, “what an amazing opportunity”, “so when do you go? , “why would you not go?”, “it’s only 3 months”, and the best one of all “ it’s a great example to be setting Francesca and Blaise. Women all too often sacrifice their own needs to serve others, which is obviously necessary for a large part of parenthood, but showing a child you care about yourself enough to do this etc is a very valuable lesson to them.” Thanks everyone – you know who you are!!
I’ve spent the last 30 odd years regretting not accepting a job I wanted that involved travel when I was 18, and have always said to my children ‘it’s the things you don’t do that you will regret, much more than the things you do ’, so now it’s time to practice what I preach.
The dates are early September to early December, so I’m feeling a bit of ‘WooHoo’, a bit of ‘OMG’ a bit of ‘AAAAGGHHHH’, with a hefty dose of guilt thrown in However Damien, Blaise, Aaron, and Francesca have been amazingly supportive and wonderful and encouraged me to take the job, and the 3 months will fly by. D and F will come out for a week during October half term and I’m so looking forward to sharing my passion for Africa and its wildlife with them.
Oh, and to pinch an acronym that I first heard from Francesca – YOLO
This is the project that I’m heading up:
And these are the fabulous comments I received from my lovely friends and family:

Somewhere amazing
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