Imire is approximately 90 minutes away from Harare and below is the lodge where all volunteers stay. It’s shabbier inside than it looks on the outside but that’s par for the course with volunteer accommodation and was perfectly adequate. However, I hadn’t expected it to be in such a beautiful setting – it’s right on the edge of a dam […]
Tag: Wildlife Volunteering
Sad fact: A rhino horn can be worth over £400,000 on the black market! I will never understand why something that is the same substance as our fingernails is so sought after in Asian countries, particularly Vietnam. Rhino horn is used in traditional Chinese medicine, but increasingly common is its use as a status symbol to display success and wealth. It makes […]
Imire Rhino & Wildlife Conservancy is a 10,000 acre reserve in Zimbabwe, and is dedicated to protecting wildlife with a specific focus on the protection and breeding of the critically endangered Black and White Rhino. I’d heard really good things from several people who had previously volunteered there, and so myself, my son, and daughter in law booked up and spent two weeks there […]