I led another enjoyable photography tour of Namibia at the end of March. I had 7 guests and they were a great group of people. I hired two 4x4s, and took a couple of walkie talkies so that we could communicate with each other when driving. There was great banter and teasing between the occupants of the two cars which led to much laughter along the way 🙂 The weather was so much hotter than when I was there last September when we all froze for the first week due to a rare cold weather front up from the Cape. This time I ensured high temperatures by packing a hot water bottle, warm hat & gloves and a couple of fleeces and padded jacket!
I didn’t think I’d take many photos as this was my third trip to the same locations, but of course I couldn’t resist. Here’s a selection:
Most of us arrived in Windhoek two days before our tour started, so we went to the local craft market. The two images on the left are painted on a wall and I really liked the paintings on the right.Having struggled to find our way back to the car in the pitch black last year, I had the literally bright idea of taking glow sticks this time. Placing them on the route in to the forest at night worked really well and we were easily able to trace our way back, collecting them up as we went.Our very quirky accommodation. Who’d have though that there would be igloos in Namibia?I love this abandoned town. Each time I go, I see something new to photograph, and the sand constantly changes its shape due to the high winds that are often prevalent.A little DIY and it will be fixed up in no time! The lengths photographers will go to to capture that perfect photograph knows no bounds! Details. The air is so dry that the wood doesn’t rot here.I love the pattern on the sand here. The roof is missing over this room and the beams cast these great shadows.This is nearly the whole town. It’s a very bleak place to have lived.
We were lucky enough to see some desert horses not too far from the road as we drove along. They are surprisingly friendly but probably desperate for food and water; it’s hard to understand just how they can survive out here.
We drove nearly 3000km over two weeks, much of it on virtually empty gravel roads.
As there are so few cars on these roads I had plenty of time to set up a tripod in the middle of the road, set the timer, and stroll in to a group photo 🙂Photo credit Nian Huei.
We did have a tyre blow out on one of these roads, but with help from one of my lovely guests, we had it changed and back on our way within a very short space of time. Thanks Doug!
A selection of road signposts. Thanks Maria Abson for the montage.
There was exciting wildlife to be seen on our journey, and at one of our destinations we were taken out for a couple of drives into 33,000 hectares of unspoilt nature. Contrasting landscapes are never-ending, with rippled sand dunes glowing in the magical light of sunrise and sunset, mountains perfectly framing breathtaking views, rocky outcrops studded with quiver trees and stunning savannah and desert vistas.
I only had a moment when the ostriches were lined up on the brow of the hill before they disappeared.A short while later and further on our drive these Oryx were also heading up a slope, so we stopped and waited for them to be on the top.
Dead trees are always a firm favourite of mine to photograph.
Put a group of photographers in the same place and they’ll all find something different to capture!A ‘lone tree’ was a favourite thing to photograph on this trip for a few of the group.The light at sunrise is beautiful.Cheetah on the sand dunes in the early morning light.
Away from our inland destinations, and we stopped for two nights at the coast where we enjoyed a harbour cruise and sand dunes experience.
This seal was in hot pursuit of our boat!Taking in the view from a higher vantage point than normal!I love pelicans. These are so used to landing on the boats we could even stroke them. They are silky soft on the top of their heads.Above and below: Pelican feathersI’ve been practicing at capturing birds in flight. I don’t find it easy!
Part 2 to follow soon………
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1 thought on “Namibia 2019 – Part 1”
Can’t wait for part #2. Thanks for the shout out.
Can’t wait for part #2. Thanks for the shout out.